Comment on blog post 5

URL to the comment on Emile Shoper blog post  about Playtesting and the commnet itself from Oskar karlsson:

Your blog post gives the reader a good view of what you have been working on for the playtesting sessions. It could have been good to write more about why these play testing sessions were used and what was dune during this play testing sessions. Also, you could have told the reader what game you are working on and why you are making this game.

You write about what you prepared for the playtesting and what things you must chance before you could get feed back on the game.  Writing more about how you made the test and what you did during the playtesting session could have helped the reader know how it works during a playtesting session.

The blog post is good to have if someone needs ides on how a playtesting session works and what is done before the playtesting. If they want to prepare before a play testing session they can read this blog and get some information on how to conduct a playtest for a game.


Oskar Karlsson

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